Howzit my bru? Learn to talk like a South African!

What to expect
Howzit my bru? Ever fancied being an “actor” or “actress”? Today is your chance to speak the local lingo like a true South African!
A traffic light is a ROBOT…and a SUV is a BAKKIE. Come and laugh and have fun, we will be meeting Now-Now, which could be in 2 min or 20 minutes or 2 hours or just read my body language and you will know.
Let’s see if you are a ‘Fundi’ with languages, they say clever people can usually pick up the basics of a new language fast…
Are you one of those clever people, ready to explore the South African Culture?
The event will be LIVE!
SEE the 1-minute trailer
Prices start from 15 USD pp for the Real Time Travel Buddy version. Please contact us for an offer.
More Info
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you do your best to talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.
South Africa has 11 official languages and they all have their own dialects too. Many say there is nothing better than to ‘swear’ in Afrikaans…because the words expresses the way you feel “in that moment,” a must hear for the untrained “ear”.
Rita Mae Brown said: “ Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going. And since we can not meet in person, we want to invite you on this path and provide you with a road map into our South African culture, tradition, unification and community.
A well known Chinese proverb said: “To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.”
We intend to “open this window,” have a session of fun and education, with some word play, who knows you might even be able to teach your partner or kids a new word or two!
Organizer Info

Nina Pieters
Extraordinary Events & Tours, always aim to bring authenticity to an event or tour.
We believe one should experience a destination like a ‘local’ and not just pass by only as a ‘tourist’.
We are all so inter-connected in this modern-day society and there is only the few nuances in life that still set us apart.
We should thus celebrate learning about these nuances, the little things that makes the difference in who we are as people.
We invite you to learn more about the rainbow nation: South Africa and its unique language.