Make some noise: make your own traditional Ukrainian Whistle

What to expect
The tradition of making whistles goes far to the past. The first whistles were made in Trypillia. Trypillia culture existed in the V – IV millennium BC on the territory of Ukraine.
And technology hasn’t changed to these days. It’s the same both for big and small whistles. In this master-class we will show you how to make both a small and a big whistles.
During this master-class you will
* learn historical Ukrainian technique
* make traditional Ukrainian whistle toy: 1 simple and 1 more complex
* relax as handicraft is great anti-stress and Art-therapy
* make it with your kids, great fun to make toys together
* enjoy creative process
The event will be PRE-RECORDED but the Organizer will be LIVE and ready to answer all your questions.
Watch the 1 minute trailer:
PRICES start as of 12 EUR pp for the BASIC version. Please contact us for an offer.
More Info
Our master ceramist Yuriy is from potter-family, who is making whistles, pottery and ceramics for several generations. Whistle was one of the official talisman of Ukraine for Eurovision and Euro-2012 football championship (imagine, international fans even used such traditional whistles at the games to support their teams). Family of our master produced all those whistles-talismans. Now you can make the same by yourself at our video master-class.
For this master-class you need self-drying clay and simple sticks for making whistle
Organizer Info

Marina Antonyuk
Planning your MICE-event? Think Ukraine! Lot of interesting to discover here.
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