Mystical Teotihuacan 360 VR with a real shaman traditional ceremony

What to expect
We will go beyond Teotihuacán:
We will start the guided tour of the archaeological zone, to walk around the site you just discovered from above. Ending with an amazing experience, a mystical ceremony guided by a shaman in the astronomical cave of an ancient observatory.
See the one minute trailer:
The event will be a PRE-RECORDED 360-5k video but the Organizer will be LIVE and ready to answer all your questions.
PRICES start as of 40 USD pp for the BASIC version and 90 USD pp for the 360 VR version. Please contact us for an offer.
More Info
Things you will need:
For the BASIC version:
Any PC, tablet or mobile phone
For the 360 VR version:
Any VR or MR headset (eg Oculus, PICO, Vive, Samsung etc)
If you don’t own a headset you may rent it* at the price of 50 USD +shipping.
*Rent available for some countries only, please contact us.
Organizer Info

As Chief Insider Trouble Maker of the Nomadic Totem tribe, he fuses a new lifestyle of the care-free ethos of a nomad explorer with a sophistication of premium services. His services are for all kind of travelers who would like to live each destination in a unique and local way. Rest assured you will receive the most premium services available from him.